Valentina London
Research Assistant
Valentina was born and raised in Santiago, Chile, and moved to the Pacific Northwest with her parents at ten years old. Her parents raised her and her sister to be stewards of the land—and beavers have always been the best example. She believes that the amount of restoration and positive impact that beavers have on a single ecosystem is absolutely astounding.
After seeing a pod of southern resident orcas in the San Juan Islands during one of her first summer science camps, Valentina was inspired to pursue a degree and career in marine biology and evolutionary ecology. She went on to get her Bachelor of Arts & Science degree from The Evergreen State College, and went on to work in various conservation, nontraditional education, and administrative roles. Valentina currently lives along the Columbia River Gorge in Washington State, where she is lucky to live a short drive from many areas where beavers are abundant and thriving.
Valentina also currently works for Portland State University at a nonprofit called Oregon MESA (Math, Engineering, Science, Achievement), a pre-college program for middle and high school students underrepresented in STEM. Valentina loves to talk, learn new things, lift weights, meet new people, travel, dance and try new foods.